Девушка, Девочка, Женщина, Подруга и Подружка: How to Use Them Correctly?
Jun 20, 2024When learning Russian, understanding the nuances between words that refer to women and girls is essential.
Words like “девушка,” “девочка,” “женщина,” “подруга,” and “подружка” can be confusing for beginners. In this article, I’ll explain the differences between these terms and how to use them properly.
But first let me tell you a story…
My old pen friend Dominique, an American of French origin, was on his long-awaited trip to Moscow. One evening, he decided to compliment a young woman he met at a café (stupid idea it was, by the way, and later I provided him with not-so-cheesy ways to say nice things to a girl. You can read them here.)
He said,❌ “Вы красивая женщина” (You (formally) are a beautiful woman). The young woman looked surprised and a bit offended. You see, in Russian culture, calling a young woman “женщина” (woman) is a bad idea. Usually “женщина” is reserved for those closer to 50-60. For someone younger, like this woman who was in her 30-s, “девушка” (young woman) would be more appropriate. It can even sound like an insult to some.
Meanwhile, Jack, another English speaker, my former student, was having dinner with his Russian girlfriend, Alina. Wanting to introduce her to his female Russian-speaking friend, he said,❌“Это моя подруга” (This is my female friend). Anna gave him an angry look. In Russian, “подруга” means a female friend, not a romantic partner. Jack should have introduced her as “моя девушка” (my girlfriend).
❋ Девушка (Devushka)
The word “девушка” is used to refer to a young woman, typically between the ages of 14 and 30 but now extended up to 40-50. It is somewhat equivalent to “young woman” or “girl” in English. Importantly, “девушка” can also mean “girlfriend” in the context of a romantic relationship.
Она моя девушка. (She is my girlfriend.)
Девушка гуляет в парке. (A young woman is walking in the park.)
❋ Девочка (Devuhchka)
“Девочка” refers to a little girl, usually under the age of 14. This term is equivalent to “girl” in English when talking about a child.
⚠️ Sometimes I hear this mistake: "Мне нравится эта девочка" when in reality they talk about девушка. Please pay attention and don't make this mistake!
Моя дочь - маленькая девочка. (My daughter is a little girl.)
Девочка играет с игрушками. (The girl is playing with toys.)
Here comes another word that has noting to do with girls but that probably also gives you confusion.
❋ Дедушка (Dedushka). It means a grandfather.
Oh how many девушкаs were called дедушкаs in my teaching experience! 🤣
❋ Женщина (Zhenshina)
“Женщина” is the term used for an adult woman. It is the direct equivalent of “woman” in English. In a very formal context, it is used to describe females over the age of 18. In everyday context, it is used to describe females over the age of 40-50.
Она успешная женщина. (She is a successful woman.)
Женщина читает книгу. (The woman is reading a book.)
❋ Подруга (Padruga)
“Подруга” means “female friend.” This term is used to describe a platonic friend who is female. It is important not to confuse “подруга” with “девушка” when referring to a girlfriend, as this could lead to misunderstandings.
Моя лучшая подруга - Анна. (My best friend is Anna.)
Мы с подругой ходим в кино. (My friend and I go to the cinema.)
Подружка (Podruzhka)
“Подружка” is a diminutive form of “подруга,” often used to refer to a close female friend in a more affectionate or informal way. It’s similar to saying “girlfriend” in English, but strictly in a platonic sense.
Она моя подружка с детства. (She has been my friend since childhood.)
Вчера я встретилась с подружкой. (Yesterday I met with my girlfriend.)
When to Use Each Term?
Understanding when to use each term can help you avoid common mistakes:
1.Девушка vs. Подруга: Use “девушка” when referring to a young woman or a girlfriend in a romantic context. Use “подруга” when talking about a female friend.
2. Девочка vs. Девушка: Use “девочка” for a little girl and “девушка” for a young woman.
3. Женщина: Use this term for adult women.
4. Подружка: Use this term for close female friends in an affectionate manner.
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